TISAX – Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange

If your organization is a supplier or service provider to the german automotive industry, then we strongly recommend attending TISAX, to assure your customers that you are keeping data and information secure. Look for us, we will guide you successfully.

TISAX (Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange) is an assessment process that aims to manage risks and increase data production in addition to the integrity of companies in the automotive sector. In the technological age, modern vehicles contain a large network of information devices, so it is important that information security plays its role from the manufacture to the exchange of data that needs to be protected against any type of theft, loss, or manipulation. In addition, the certification process ensures a high degree of compatibility and transparency, strengthening trust between services and customers with obtaining the relevant TISAX labels as a mandatory requirement.

The body responsible for TISAX is the VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie) and the ENX Association (European Network Exchange), containing the main aspects of the internationally recognized ISO/IEC 27001 standard, which we can also implement in your organization.

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